
Ever wonder what your AFOL (adult fan of Lego) is talking about? We have put together this glossary to give you a hand.


ABS – "Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene". The type of plastic used by LEGO for all of its bricks.

AFFOL - “Adult-Female-Fan-of-LEGO”. (See also FAFOL and SHEFOL.)

AFOL – "Adult Fan Of LEGO".

Baseplate – A LEGO flat plate that is available in various sizes -  filled with studs. Generally used as the starting point for most builds.

Bigfig – Supersized LEGO minifigures. 

Bignette - A scaled up version of a Vignette. (See Vignette)

Billund - A town in Jutland, Denmark. Where the LEGO headquarters and primary design center is based.

BL – "Bricklink". The 'go-to' website for LEGO fans - dedicated to the buying and selling of LEGO spare pars, mini figs ect. 

Blay/Bley -The “Bluish Gray/Grey” colour referring to the current LEGO gray/grey. The older version is referred to as the “Old Gray/Grey”colour.

Bley –  "Light and dark bluish grey"- known as the medium and dark stone colour used by the TLG.

BOLOCs – "Built Of Lots Of Colours". Generally referred to with junior LEGO build where the builder is irrespective of colour, resulting in a 'rainbow look' coloured build.

Brick Built – Whereas the LEGO builder users a variety of elements to create a part instead of a preformed LEGO part.

Brick(s) – The core of LEGO.

Build – The collective name given to a set or MOC.

BURP – "Big Ugly Rock Piece". A single moulded piece of pre-fab rock-wall.

CC - “Cafe Corner”. A very popular LEGO set with adult fans.

CC - “Classic Castle”. A LEGO castle fan site.

Cheese Slope – LEGO brick 50746. 1×1 tile with a 33 degree slope, going to 2 plates or 2/3 of a brick high. Also referred to as a cheese wedge or cheese block because the shape resembles a wedge of cheese.

Clone Brands - LEGO replica construction toys that are often compatible with LEGO. Not generally well thought of within the LEGO community and despised by LEGO purists.

CMF – "Collectable Minifigure". Individually sold LEGO minifigures that may be stand alone or part of a collectable series.

Cracklink - A descriptive name for the Bricklink website bestowed by the LEGO community, referring to its addictive nature.

CSF - "Classic Space Forum". An online LEGO space fan community.

Custom – A LEGO creation or individual element that uses non-LEGO parts or modified parts or accessories that haven’t been officially produced or endorsed by TLG.  Generally not favoured by LEGO Purists.

Customizer - a LEGO-fan who is not afraid to modify LEGO parts. Again, not supported by LEGO purists.

Dark Ages – This time referred to by AFOL's as the time spent away from LEGO post childhood until rediscovery later in life.

Design ID – The identification number TLG uses to catalogue a specific part. (Note; This covers the mould shape not the colour variant.)

Diorama or Dio – An extra large LEGO scene, larger than a Bignette or Vignette. (See also Bignette and Vignette.)

Draft -  A common activity at LEGO club meetings, whereas LEGO-fans each bring a copy of a LEGO set, sort out all of the LEGO elements, and take turns picking the parts they want. An easy way to get the parts you want in larger quantities without buying multiple copies of the set yourself.

DSS - “Dreaded-Sticker-Sheet” (See also STAMP.)

Duplo – Oversized LEGO that is designed especially for small hands or 'baby builders'. DUPLO blocks are also still compatible with traditional LEGO bricks in building.

Element (and Element ID) – The element identification TLG uses to catalogue a specific part or the official name for each unique LEGO piece. Unlike Design ID the Element ID colour variant as well.

Erling Brick – Referred to as the "headlight brick". A staple SNOT element.

FAFOL - “Female-Adult-Fan-of-LEGO”. (See also AFFOL and SHEFOL.)

FFOL - “Female-Fan-Of-LEGO”. An other acronym for female fans. (See also AFFOL, FAFOL and SHEFOL.)

Greebles - Detailing added to a LEGO creations surface to enhance its appearance. Frequently seen in LEGO space and mecha creations.

Half-Stud Offset - A LEGO building technique that allows building without regard to the standard alignment of studs on a plate, usually achieved with a jumper plate.

IMHO – "In My Humble Opinion".

Inventory – The common term used to describe a list of parts included in a LEGO set.

Jumper Plate - A 1×2-stud LEGO plate with only 1 stud in the centre. Useful for half-stud offset building. See here: Jumper Plate

KFOL - “Kid-Fan-of-LEGO”. Thought of as TLG's primary target demographic.

LDD – "LEGO Digital Designer". A CAD program that mimics the process of building LEGO to create virtual models. Provided free of charge and can be downloaded onto PC or Mac.

Legal - LEGO building techniques that follow building guidelines for official LEGO set designers.

LEGO – If you don’t know what this is, then you are clearly lost.

LEGOS - The incorrect plural term for LEGO. The official plural form for more than one LEGO element is “LEGO® brand building bricks” - however always refer to on or more LEGO bricks as 'LEGO'.

Licensed Theme – Theme based on popular licensed material that LEGO has been granted the rights to reproduce in LEGO form. EG. Star Wars, Disney Ect.
illegal - LEGO building techniques that break the “rules” for connections between LEGO elements used by official LEGO set designers – particularly connections that stress the LEGO elements.

LUG -  “LEGO-Users-Group”. Local or regional LEGO clubs that meet, build and socialise together around their love of LEGO and officially supported by TLG.
LURP - “Little-Ugly-Rock-Piece”. 

LXF – A LXF file is generated from LDD and can be uploaded to sites such as Bricklink to help order parts for virtual models created in LDD.

Macaroni brick – Round Corner 2 x 2 macaroni with stud notch and as name suggests looks like a piece of macaroni.

MF - "Minifig".

Microfig - Smaller minifigs - generally half the size of regular minifigs from the LEGO Games series.

Microfigure – Tiny minifigures figures utilised for trophies and stable of the LEGO Architecture theme.

Micropolis – Collaborative building code developed by TwinLUG based around a 16 x 16 stud module which equals 1/4 of a city block. Four modules create a short block in a city. Each four module block is ringed with a two stud road. Blocks connected together create a 4 stud wide road. Cars are 2 studs, buses or trucks 4 studs. Scale: 1 brick is 9 feet, 1 plate is 3 feet and one stud is 7.5 feet.

Microscale – Generally builds that are a smaller scale than minifigures.

Midi Scale - refers to sets that are between miniature and minifig scale. They do not include minifigures, but are much more detailed than mini sets. So far only Star Wars sets have midi versions.

Minidoll – A variant of the minifigure that has been tailored especially for female centric theme sets such as LEGO Friends, Elves, Disney etc.

Minifig Scale - a LEGO creation built for the scale of standard LEGO minifigures.

Minifigure / Minifigs – Minifigures are the standard or blueprint for most set scales and populate the LEGO world. literally thousands of variants and designs and very collectable.

MISB – "Mint In Sealed Box".

MOC – "My Own Creation". A LEGO custom design without instructions. Normally with the assistance of software such as LDD, but not always.

Mocular – Fan built MOC but in keeping with the rules laid out by LEGO in its Modular series.

Modulars – A series of sets designed predominantly around a 32×32 baseplate aimed at AFOLs. Multistore buildings fully enclosed and designed to minifigure scale. Each floor cleverly lifts off to reveal internal detailed fit out. The modular series was launched in 2007 with each modular thereafter connecting together forming a street scene. Some of the older sets fetch quite a price over on eBay and Bricklink

MSRP - “Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price”. The official price for a LEGO set as established by the LEGO Group for a particular market. Individual retailers may set their own prices higher or lower than MSRP, and MSRP may vary from country to country.

MURP – "Mini Ugly Rock Piece".

NLP - “Non-LEGO-Person” or “Non-LEGO-Parent”. 

PAB Wall - "Pick-A-Brick" wall at LEGO stores.

Plate - Unlike the thinner one sided baseplates a plate is a third of the height of a brick and allows for bricks to be connected both underside and topside

Polybag – Usually promotional plastic bags used to promote certain themes with often unique minifigures or small sets

POOP – "Parts Out of Other Parts". Term used for large single moulded pieces that often looked at as being rather ugly and considered prime for being constructed in smaller existing parts

Purist- A LEGO-fan who only uses official LEGO elements. Or a LEGO creation that only contains official LEGO elements with no modifications or custom parts. Contrast with Custom.

Rainbow Warrior – Same as BOLOCs and builds using every colour available to hand.

RLFM – "Registered LUG Fan Media". A new term used by TLG to denote an officially recognized online LUG that covers LEGO reviews, news etc. Now used for prominent LEGO bloggers.

RLUG – "Registered LEGO Users Group". A term used by TLG to denote a local LUG that is officially recognized by LEGO via the LEGO Ambassador Network.

Set – General term A product released by TLG containing parts, instructions, and most of the time, minifigures

SHEFOL - “She-(Female)-Fan-of-LEGO”. (See also AFFOL and FAFOL.)

Sig-fig – AFOL minifigure version of themselves, both physically  and virtual (avatar) in online communities

SNOT – "Studs Not On Top" A technique that is used to hid studs by either connecting LEGO elements on their sides or upside down.

STAMP -  “Stickers-Across-Multiple-Pieces”.

Stud – The iconic stud which forms part of the LEGO patented LEGO connection system. The round studs are also used as a measuring system i.e. 32×32 stud base plate used for LEGO modular theme

Technic – Another LEGO variant like DUPLO introduced in 1977. Technic is compatible with LEGO and has bled across into traditional LEGO sets extensively. Technic adds additional parts such as axles, gears and rods which enables more technical/mechanical models to be built.

TFOL: “Teen-Fan-of-LEGO”.

Theme – Name given to a particular range of LEGO sets that have a common theme such as Nexo Knights, Star Wars, City etc…

Tile – A LEGO piece that is smooth with no studs and is the same thickness as a plate.

TLC -  “The LEGO Company”.

TLG – "The LEGO Group" – Parent Company of all things LEGO.

UCS - "Ultimate Collector’s Series" A series of large LEGO Star Wars sets designed for older teens and adults. They are larger than minifig scale.

USP – "Unique Selling Point".

Vignette or Vig -  A LEGO creation build depicting a moment in time. Usually built on a base plate with an 8 x 8 stud.

WIP - “Work-In-Progress”.

YFOL - “Young-Fan-of LEGO”.


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